
Video Marketing Campaign Strategies for Local Business Success

As a local business owner, are you tapping into the power of video marketing and social media marketing as a combination to get the word out about what your business offers?Video Marketing for local business

Most local business owners are not!

Why?  Because:

Most business owners don’t know how to do it themselves and further, wouldn’t know where to start.


They “think” it’s too expensive to have it done for them and they are not sure of the return on their investment.  The good news is that video marketing is not like buying airtime on TV.  The costs are much lower and the ROI is trackable through the use of analytics.

If you aren’t using video marketing, you’re missing out on one of the most powerful ways to promote yourself and your business.

Video can help you to get more publicity.  Google, and other search engines L.O.V.E. video!  As a result of that, they will rank your videos higher in the search engine rankings and highter rankings means you will be able to generate more traffic and potentially, more sales to your website.

The numbers don’t lie.

If you search YouTube, you’ll find their statistics quite startling:

“People are watching 2 billion videos a day on YouTube and uploading hundreds of thousands daily. In fact, every minute, 24 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube”.

If that doesn’t give you a clear picture of the sheer number of people watching video, perhaps the following numbers will mean something to you:

An amazing 52% of web traffic is now video and 70% of internet users watch video online!  The average YouTube visitor spends 27 minutes a day watching videos!

It’s not hard to see what these kinds of numbers can mean to your business if you are video marketing.  It’s really a no-brainer yet most local businesses don’t seem to be taking advantage of it.  Video, has the ability to set you above your competition and combined with social media, well quite frankly, it’s an almost unbeatable combination!

As I mentioned above,  search engines such as Google, Yahoo and all the others love videos and give them special attention.  Just by creating a few quick videos and posting them on top video sites, such as YouTube, can be a very fast way to get a top listing for the words that your potential customers would search for you by.  For example, if I was searching for a local dentist and since I live in Charleston, I would search the words “Charleston Dentist”.  A video that was made by a local Dentist that had been properly optimized for this term would rank higher in the search results  and I would be able to see that a video was available from a local dentist.  Based on the statistics above, 70% of those searching that term would prefer to see a video over just reading some text.  Video and social media have really helped me get my own as well as my clients messages out.

Another big benefit to using video is that it can help build an email mailing list very quickly.  You may have heard it said that “the money is in the list” and this is true.  E-mailing your list of subscribers not only keeps you at the top of their mind when they need a product or service that you offer, but it gives you the opportunity to make offers for specials, limited quantities, discounts, or other things that you might want to offer to your subscribers.

To discover how your business can get started using Internet videos combined with social media sites to promote your own business, products, and services contact e-Edge Marketing for a free consultation.

During your consultation, you will learn:

  • Why video is a proven way to establish yourself as an expert authority in your industry and market your business online.
  • How to start your own online TV show with zero risk and a very low investment cost.
  • Marketing strategies for using online videos to get attention for your business and create buzz about your business on the Internet.
  • How using videos can grow your e-mail marketing list.
  • How launching your business’s online video campaign can make it easier to get publicity offline from radio and/or TV shows and leading magazines and newspapers.
  • Don’t look the way you look on camera?  We’ll show you how effectively use videos without actually appearing on camera.
  • How cost effective video marketing can be.

Don’t hesitate!  You are losing new customers to your competition everyday and we can help you to stop that.

Contact e-Edge Marketing today.  Call Toll Free: 866-945-9707

To your video success!


AddThis Social Bookmarking Plugin

Readers who share your posts can bring you a whole lot of traffic to your website.

This WordPress Plugin, called “AddThis” allows your visitors to easily bookmark or share your posts with a variety of social websites, by email and even allows them to easily print your post. Perhaps more importantly, you get the ability to track the stats, or analytics, of those who not only share your posts but stats of how many clicks are made from that sharing.  To do this, you’ll have to install the plugin and set up the analytics you want to track by setting up a free AddThis account.

With the AddThis plugin, you can add social bookmarking/sharing options, choosing from a variety of looks and positions on your WordPress blog. AddThis code can also be inserted to any HTML page, so is very versatile.

The image to the left gives you a peek at some custom widgets you can use on your website.  There is also a library of custom icons made by 3rd party designers. You just have to check the terms of use before you use them on your site.

However even straight out of the box, you can add buttons to your site without any customization skills.

Below, are a few examples of how the widget can look straight out of the box:

share your wordpress posts

AddThis also comes with in-depth stats that shows you shares over a time period you specify:

You’ll also have the ability to view your most popular posts and find out what is popular among your readers.  This will help you to decide what kind of topics your readers want so you can offer more posts of a similar nature.

…and the most popular services that people share to.

top services for sharing posts

Other stats available to you include your audience profile, top keywords and countries.

Like I always tell my clients, “if you can’t track it, it’s probably not worth spending time on.”  This WordPress plugin will help your readers be able to share your posts with their own audience and will allow you to see what’s working best for you in your own business.

Happy Blogging,


Real solutions and proven strategies for marketing YOUR local business.
Serving small businesses throughout the U.S.

Strategic Internet Marketing, Reputation Management & Video marketing