
A Marketing Firms View on Online Internet Privacy

internet privacyLinda Stern over at CBS Money Watch, wrote an article yesterday inspired by FaceBook’s Privacy Policy Changes.  Her recommendations, such as not to share your financial data online seem like common sense to me but, since I continue to be surprised by the things I see others putting online for the world to see, there is a need for such information.  It’s one thing to unknowingly submit such information to the world but quite another to be naive enough to think that the information you knowingly submit on the internet isn’t being seen (and saved) somewhere else on the internet.  Have you ever thought to Google your own name and see what others can find there?   There is a good chance that your FaceBook profile is at the top of the list!

Because I am the president of an internet marketing consulting firm and advise business owners who want to bring their businesses online how to use their information to attract new customers, I make my own profile and information pretty transparent   I encourage that kind of transparency to my clients.  After all, social media is great for networking and since people do business with those who they know, like, and trust, it’s difficult to form relationships with potential customers and  promote a business without giving out some personal information.

With that said, personal and financial data is another issue.  My parents taught me that if you didn’t want something seen by the world, don’t write it down!  The same rules apply to the internet.  Before posting anything online, ask yourself this first; “would I care if this was public information?”  How about what you post on social media sites such as Twitter and FaceBook?  I’ll tell you this, I fear for our youth.  Some of the things I have seen posted on social media sites are sure to come back to haunt some of them in the future.  It’s already happening.  I read stories of students who have been denied college admittance and jobs due to what they have posted online.  If these kids would ask, “would I want my grandmother to see this” before posting comments, photos, and the like, I’m sure they would have far less to regret later in life.  In any event, when it comes to posting anything online,  if in doubt… DON’T POST IT!   It’s really that simple.

Thank you Linda Stern for a great article. Let’s hope people heed her advice.

P.S. If you would like to meet with me personally to find out how you can develop an internet presence for your company, call me today.  In the Charleston area call 843-647-0489 outside of Charleston call toll free 866-945-9707.

10 Tips for Getting Traffic Through Social Media Sites

You have probably heard me say before, but it’s worth repeating, Web 2.0 sites and social media has arrived. (and won’t be going anywhere for a long time). Experts predict that this trend will only grow. That means if you don’t start using social media now – today – you’ll be left behind.  In case you haven’t heard, the search engines are now picking up content from Twitter and soon you’ll see those posts at the top of the search engine results.

Here then are 10 tips for using Twitter, Facebook, and other social media sites to drive traffic to your website…

1. Complete your profile.

When you first sign on to your Twitter, Facebook, Squidoo or other social media site account, fill out your profile (including a picture). Doing so makes it easier for people to get to know you and build relationships with you, knowing the things in which they have in common with you will make it more likely they’ll click through to your site.

2. Interact.

Social sites are, just what they imply, social. They’re two way streets (not monologues) where people with common interests can interact. That’s why you shouldn’t just post content and move on. Instead, spend a few minutes each day interacting and getting to know people in your network. Remember, people like people who take interest in them.  It’s not just about you.

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