Things may just be looking up for e-commerce website owners according to a survey from Tealeaf Technology, an analytics provider. The survey, conducted by Harris Interactive, of 2,104 U.S. consumers, shows that consumers are spending more time shopping online than ever before, and spending more money, too.
The survey found that consumers shop online an average of 3.4 times per month (up from 3.1 times per month in 2009) and that 16 percent of consumers shop online four or five times per month, up from 14 percent last year. What might be most impressive is that just 29 percent of consumers shop online once per month – last year 37 percent shopped online just once a month. Maybe this is three different ways to say the same thing, but the message is clear: online shopping continues to grow as consumers become more comfortable with the practice.
There’s more good news: shoppers spend an average of $123.20 per transaction. That’s up from $101.60 in 2009 – a 21 percent increase, even during a continued economic lull. Whether that means people are spending more money or just shifting their spend online, it doesn’t really matter. As long as they are spending online.
One other important note from the study shows that, while spending more time and money online, consumers are becoming less willing to endure delays while shopping. Just 18 percent of consumers will try to complete a transaction again after a failed first attempt, down from 23 percent who said the same last year.
Knowing this, it’s more important than ever to streamline your shopping cart process.
If you need help getting started in e-commerce or just getting your site ready for the holiday shopping season we can help. Call us today for a free consultation. In Charleston, call 843-647-0489 or outside of Charleston call toll free 866-945-9707.
Happy Shopping!
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