
My “What Web Designers Don’t Tell You” Rant!

It makes me crazy!

OK, I’m on a rant.  Yesterday, it happened again!  I’m sitting across the desk from a business owner who already has a website and doesn’t understand why he isn’t getting any online business.  I don’t think I will ever be able to stop that feeling of my blood boiling when I hear business owners, especially my own clients, tell their stories of how they were innocently duped by some fancy pants web designer into spending thousands of dollars on a website that is useless!  Those of you who know me, know that it has almost become a crusade of mine to help the businesses in my geo-market to STOP the insane song and dance put on by some web designers who want to sell you either:

A.  A useless (but pretty) flash website, or

B.  Some “just like all the others” and equally useless web 1.0 static website

I just can’t NOT rant about it!  It makes me crazy!

These guys, (and gals to be fair), approach business owners and tell them all they need is a website and they will “be in business online”.  What a croc!  All you need is a website?  Shame on you if you are one of these designers who has your pocket book in mind instead of your customers best interests!  What about the ability for businesses to have interaction with their customers?  How about RSS, on page SEO factors, off page SEO factors, list building, social media, and marketing the site, just to name a few of the things you need to be found online! There is so much more to it than that!  You DO need more than a website and the next time one of these “take your money and run designers” comes along, just say NO!   Let me give you some questions to ponder and a video to watch to see if I can get a “hell no, we’re not going to take it anymore” from you.

Are you getting the results you expected when you hired that web designer to put you “in business online?”

Are you being found on the first page of your favorite search engines search results for the words that you want to be found for in the search engines? or, more specifically Google?  Did the web designer even ask you what words you wanted to be found for?  Was any keyword research done?

How are people finding you online? Are they finding you online?

And most importantly, are you using social media to market your business?   Did your web designer tell you what it can mean to you to use social media? Not yet convinced that you need social media?  Watch this video and let the information contained in it help you to make a new decision.   Social Media is NOT a fad!  Are you ready for social media?  Is your website?

Well?  What do you think?  Pretty impressive isn’t it?

When you are ready to start thinking seriously about how you will bring your business online, give us a call.  We WANT to help. 843-647-0489 or out of the Charleston area toll free at 1-866-945-9707.

Oh, and thanks for letting me get that off my chest.  Whew!

Organic Search Engine Optimization | SEO Marketing Services

search engine optimization SEOSo you may be living under a rock and asking yourself what exactly is “Organic Search Engine Optimization” or “SEO Marketing Service”?

It’s not that long ago that I, myself asked that very same question. SEO -huh? Lucky for me (and for you too) that our SEO GURU (yes that would be Leigha) took me under her wing (if you will) and has taught me well.

So what IS SEO?
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume or quality of traffic to a web site or a web page (such as a blog) from search engines via “natural” or un-paid (“organic” or “algorithmic”) search results as opposed to other forms of search engine marketing (“SEM”) which may deal with paid inclusion. The theory is that the earlier (or higher) a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine.

As an Internet Marketing and Consulting Firm we are committed to helping our customers maintain a website “presence” not just own a website.

Our experience and training in SEO and search engines themselves gives us an edge against our competitors and yours.  We make a commitment to each of our customers to increase traffic and profit and using their website as the tool it should be instead of just a simple storefront.  Our expertise and effectiveness can be actually measured. Giving you proof of our efforts. We turn your website into a lead generating machine for your business!

Search Engine Optimization can be one of the most effective ways to bring you more visitors and more visitors mean more buyers. SEO brings targeted customers actually searching for your products or services.  We use only top of the line techniques and therefore never have to worry about being “de-listing” or penalties.

Although our offices are located in Charleston, SC and Buffalo, NY, we provide SEO (Search Engine Optimization Services for companies across America!  We have several SEO packages available to fit your business needs. To learn more about SEO and how it can help your business, give us a call and receive a free website analysis today! Talk to one of our team members about how we can increase your sales! What are you waiting for?  😉

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