
Best WordPress Plugins | Why to Use Comment Notifier

Interacting with your audience is the primary method for developing trust and likability.  Because people do business with those who they know, like, and trust it’s imperative that you establish a relationship with your readers but how do you do it?   The biggest problem with interacting with your blog readers is that only 1 out of every 100 readers will comment on your blog.   Most people won’t comment unless:

  1. They already know, like, & trust you.
  2. You’ve already a bunch of comments on the page when they get there.
  3. You REALLY make them mad! (I advise avoiding this one in most cases!)

Simple things like asking questions at the end of your blog posts or writing about things that are considered controverial might work, but the truth is, it’s going to be more about what you do outside of your website than what you do on it! [Read more…]

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